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About Providence Lake

Providence Lake is located in the city of Milton in Fulton County, off of New Providence Road. The neighborhood is centered around a 14 acre spring fed lake that is available to its residents. Homeowners also enjoy an on-site Clubhouse as well as Pool and Tennis amenities.  


Subdivision Property
  • Providence Lake subdivision consists of 97 homes, a clubhouse, swimming pool and two tennis courts.

  • The lake is a flood control lake, but it is exempt from the Georgia Safe Dams Act (does not require routine inspection, etc.).

  • The roads are Fulton County property (public streets). Signs along the street are county signs, but we are responsible for maintenance of posts. The culverts and storm sewers are also controlled and maintained by the county.

  • The lots in this subdivision are zoned AG-1 (agricultural).

  • The street lights belong to Cobb EMC. We pay a fee of about $100 per year per fixture for electricity and maintenance.



Providence Lake Homeowners Association, Inc., is a mandatory HOA as stated in the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Providence Lake Subdivision. As such, there are yearly mandatory HOA assessments. Also, upon each and every sale of a home/lot in Providence Lake, there is an Initiation Fee that will be collected. As an Owner, it is your legal responsibility to convey this information to your realtor and/or potential buyer. Should you need assistance in filling out the HOA portion of the Disclosure Form, you may contact Sixes at  For Closing Letter Requests, please contact


  • Providence Lake Homeowners Association is a not-for-profit corporation. The Association powers not defined by law are described in the restrictive covenants and bylaws.

  • The Board of Directors consists of 5 elected homeowners. The term of office is 2 years with half (3 or 2) positions being elected each year. Officers are selected from the elected Board of Directors by the Board.

  • The election is typically held in March.

  • Meetings are held at least 4 times per year.  The Board of Directors will communicate dates and times to the homeowners.

  • The current fees are $1600 per year, billed semi-annually. Any assessment not received by the due date will incur a 10% late fee ($60.00), and a lien in favor of the Association will occur if timely payments are not received."

  • Association Committees have been formed to help run the community. Membership is controlled by the Board of Directors, but is generally open to any homeowner who wants to help. Each committee is responsible for setting rules for their domain and providing input to the Board for decisions regarding funding and conflict resolution.

Other Reminders, Ordinances, etc.
  • As of July 13, 2018, the Providence Lake HOA has adopted a fine of up to $1000 per living tree that is removed, without prior authorization by the Architectural Control Committee ("ACC").   Violators may also be required to plant replacement trees, and/or pay for the same.  
  • Fulton County has a leash law. For details on the laws, contact the Animal Control division at 404-794-0358.

  • Outdoor burning of yard waste is not allowed during the summer months in order to control air pollution (county ordinance). The restricted dates are usually May 1st to September 31st, but the actual dates should appear in the papers.

  • Burning of trash is not allowed at any time as it is restricted by our covenants. Unattended fires are also not allowed at any time.

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