How to Reserve the Clubhouse/Pool/Pavilion

Reservations for the use of the Clubhouse and the Pavilion by a Providence Lake resident can be made via the Sixes Portal (Reservations Tab).
Reservations for use of the Clubhouse and Pavilion must be made at least 3 days in advance, but no further than 6 months in advance. If there are extenuating circumstances that require the Clubhouse to be reserved for use in less than three days, the Committee Chair or Board Members can contact Sixes and request that this be done.
Lena Davis:; 678-905-4465
Jessica Rowlison:; 678-809-5662
Reservations require a $250.00 deposit (plus a non-refundable credit/debit card fee of 3.25%) will be charged to the account approximately 4 days in advance of the event.
Once your reservation is complete, please contact to arrange to pick up the key.
Once the key to the clubhouse is returned and it is determined that it is clean and in good repair after the event, the Clubhouse Chair will notify Sixes Management (Lena Davis and Jessica Rowlison) and $250 refund will be issued to the credit card account.
In order to get the refundable deposit, the following is expected of the resident reserving it:
a) Cleaning which includes the following:
i) Wiping down all counters and tables
ii) Emptying the refrigerator/freezer. Make sure the interior and exterior is free of any spills, stains, streaks.
iii) Vacuuming the carpets, as well as sweeping and mopping the wood floors. Please ensure any spills, stains, crumbs are all thoroughly cleaned up.
iv) Ensure the bathroom is clean.
b) Garbage must be bagged and placed in the waste/recycling containers outside, or taken home for disposal.
c) Please turn off all lights, TV and the ceiling fan. Make sure no faucets or toilets are running water.
d) If the fireplace was used, ensure the gas is turned off and the key returned to the proper drawer.
e) Lock all windows and exterior doors.