Keeping Community Standards
One of the Board’s 2025 Objectives is to improve the appearance of our community by better enforcement of our HOA covenants. The HOA Board is seeking your cooperation in order to improve the community’s appearance and to avoid unnecessary citations and fines, which can be as high as $200 per month for each violation.
Please also remember that all changes to the exterior of our homes, and properties, including the removal of trees (15” or larger in diameter) requires the approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Failure to do so can result in significant fines.
Please see the sections below to help understand our community standards which are derived from our covenants.
Lawns maintained (cut and edged) with no visible weeds.
No visible weeds in garden beds.
No exposed bare spots of dirt/clay in grass or garden beds. The recommended covering is grass, mulch or pinestraw (depending on location).
Residents with natural wooded areas should maintain the easement between the curb and the tree line. Planting grass or installing mulch/pine straw is not a requirement, but any weeds or tree sprouts need to be cut or removed. Shrubs and trees are kept pruned for appearance.
No dead landscaping is present and any dead or fallen trees are removed.
No tree or shrub branches should overhang the street where they impede traffic or hinder one’s line of sight of oncoming traffic, driveways, street signs, pedestrians, etc.
Mailboxes should be in good repair (door closes and stays closed, no paint chipping or rust stains, not leaning, etc.).
House numbers on the mailbox should be visible (not faded or missing).
Driveways should be kept in good repair (no potholes/sinkholes or large pieces missing/broken off) and not covered in mold/algae.
Aesthetics of the house and yard, as well as improvements made through ARC requests should be properly maintained, including but not limited to: Exterior house paint and trim work is not faded, chipped or contain mold/algae
No missing roof shingles
Lighting fixtures are not broken, missing, rusted or in poor condition
No broken windows or storm doors and screens are in good condition.
Gutters and downspouts are attached to the house and are not bent or falling.
Patios, decks, and any other hardscape area should be maintained. No wood rot, missing pavers, overgrowth or mold/algae present.
Lake docks are upkept from wood rot, free from weeds/overgrowth and not submerged in water.
Lake boats are not submerged
No window AC units
Wood piles should be out of sight from the street and neighboring properties.
Trash/ Recycling Bins
Trash and recycling bins should not be left curbside for more than 1 day before or 1 day after scheduled pickup.
Bins are not visible from the street when stored
Boats, recreation vehicles, golf carts, campers and any inoperable/unregistered vehicles should not be parked on the street, in the driveway or anywhere on community grounds. These are only permitted to be parked in the resident’s garage.
Active registered and operable vehicles can be parked on the street, but not for longer than 5 consecutive days.